2003 Canterbury Soccer Referee Awards
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                                                 2003 Canterbury Soccer Referee Awards
Award 2002 2003
Gallon Trophy-Referee of the Year Ian Walker Ian Walker
Assistant Referee of the Year Wayne Stapley Paul Dalziel
LJ Holland Cup-Most Improved NZ Badge Referee Paul Dalziel James Thian
I Billcliff-Most Improved 1-2 yrs NZ Badge Referee Kevin Kraushaar Peter Bloy
JE Jones Trophy-Most Improved Non NZ Badge Referee Sean Higgins Murray Hodson
JB Hulton Cup-Most Improved Assistant Referee (non Nat League) Alan Jamieson Neil Harvey
A Edwards-Administrator of the Year Kevin Kraushaar Stephen Roach
L McQillan Memorial Cup-Most Dedicated Referee Ken Cribb Marco Cassimassima
Most Enthusiastic Referee Ken Cribb Stu Cox
Stan Shield-Highest Marks Referee Entrance Exam   Di Lord
Referee's Referee of the Year Darrin Mitchell Ian Walker
Referee's Inspector of the Year Dennis Cox John Collier
Presidents Trophy-Special Award Alby Brand Dick Hindle
Ben Johnson Award-Fastest Sprint Time in Fitness Test Stephen Roach Murray Hodson
ACC Award-Best Injury Excuse   Alan Ball
Discussion Arousers Award Peter Bloy Steve Jelley
Special Presentations: Marco Cassimassima, Hodssam Khaled, Chemi Li Sheng & Gabriel Streza (our foreign legion)