Canterbury Soccer Referee Profiles
Tony Ambrose
Brian Hulton
Tony Ambrose
Peter Bloy
Andy Brown
Ash Connor
Paul Dalziel
Liam Doyle
Wayne Elcock
Mike Halpenny
Vasilis Kazakos
Hossam (Sam) Khaled
Chemi Li Sheng
Hamish Little
Darrin Mitchell
Stephen Roach
Mark Rule
Wayne Stapley
Brian Stevens
Gabriel Streza
Ian Walker



Name:   Tony Ambrose

Born in Christchurch in August 1951

Occupation:  Assistant Principal, Shirley Boys High School

Married to Mary-Anne since 1975

Children:  Mark (18)

Hobbies:  Reading, golf, sometimes gardening

Football/Referee History: 

Began refereeing in Timaru in 1976; NZ Badge in 1980; involved in old Southern League and did some National League Lines before retiring in mid -1980s due to a health problem.  Got roped in to assessing and coaching then. Enjoyed that so much that when the health problems were over in 1986 I stuck with it.


Was for many years the Southern Region Regional Referee Coach.

Past President of Otago SRA and Canterbury SRA. 

Currently Mainland Federation rep on NZ Soccer Referees Committee and thus chairperson of Mainland Referees Committee.

Currently also a National League Referee Inspector.


Have also coached school sides for about 30 years. 

1st X1 coach at Shirley BHS since 1988 currently Assistant Coach (ie. Semi-retired the kids have got faster and I have got slower!)


Since 2000 I have also been Tour Leader and Manager of the New Zealand Secondary Schools National team and am taking them to Europe in April 2004.  We are also hosting, in Christchurch, a two test series against the Australian National side in the September holidays.


Why I became a Referee:


Love of the game and my job meant that I could no longer train with a club side and I wanted to keep an active involvement in the game.  Very early on I realized the enjoyment and comradeship of refereeing.


National League lines, National League inspecting, Presidency of Canterbury and Otago, Regional Coaching, being involved with NZSRC; helping referees progress up the ranks, the many friends I have made through refereeing